Thursday, January 27, 2011

IWA assignment 2-Matrix-red pill or blue pill?

There is a well know line in the movie "The Matrix" where Morpheus ask The main protagonist and hero to be, Neo, a very important question in the movie, in a major scene in the film the leads to where the path goes in which Neo, the main character, ends up taking.

The question that Morpheus ask is this" You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

Now, here's the thing... if this question was asked to me, and i was in Neo's shoes...which would i pick?
Well that's a good question, and a tough choices as you can see if you seen the film.
One choice being the blue pill would let you continue to live life the same as you always have, in the world your familiar with, but one in which is being questioned, and told to you to be not real.
Or you can take the red pill, and go explore a world you never seen, what is considered real by those who are trying to find you, and lead the way for you to go with that choice, as Morpheus said with the Alice and Wonderland line as example, but you go where you cannot return, and have to cope, and deal with the suppose "truth" of what is the real world.

I guess being a realistic though, i would pick the Red pill, even if it is tough to swallow (no pun intended)
I would like to be take the chance, and take a risk, and see what the "real world is" regardless of life or death, seeing as i tend to challenge life, and question things within it, i would take the adventure, to be in charge of my own life possibly, bend the rules, make it all my own, and not get out of my head about it, to be hero, to seek what is the truth, and challenge myself to decide for myself, and live with my choice.

Neo accepted his choice, and if i were to be one, i hope i would as well myself.

1 comment:

  1. Your response is off to a good start, but needed to be developed a bit more thoroughly.
