Thursday, January 20, 2011

Examined Life-My Reponse to Kwame Anthony Appiah's part

My video/vlog response to Kwame Anthony Appiah's part in the documentary "Examined Life".
I had issues getting the file off my phone, but finally found a way to do so thankfully.
(PS: sorry the video came out side ways D: it was short notice, and didn't have time to fix that...sorry)


  1. No, this isn't the IAT activity.
    This was me responding to Kwame's part in examined life.
    I didn't get to the IAT activity on time unfortunately.

  2. Your video response is good. You thoughtfully engage with some of the ideas expressed by Appiah, but your dialogue needed to be structured a bit more thoroughly. Also, Appiah talks about cultural differences and different cultural traditions, while much of your talk seemed to only focus on people being and acting different which doesn't really address Appiah's larger idea about cosmopolitanism.
